Tuesday, August 01, 2006


So I am going out to the Shed last Saturday to do my oh so fun yard work. I open the door and something falls past me face brushing up against me. Landing with a thud on the ground I ask myself "what's that" barely surprised. Then as it is SLITHERING AWAY into the darkness of the storage shed I answer my question....IT'S A FRICKIN SNAKE!!! ALL THE HEEBEE JEEBEE CREEPIES shoot coursing through my body. I am really freaking out here!! I do the dance. My heart beats like crazy and then I start getting flashes of Samual L Jackson shooting through my head...oh man that was good...Anyway I then deside in my Head to "get these snakes off my plane...oh I mean shed. So the hunt begins. Lurking and hissing at me and showing me its FANGS! Yes FANGS. I find him behind a bunch of paint cans in what seems to have been a mouse nest (past tense). Granted he helped with the mouses, but Snakes is snakes and for the love of my wife and my own masculinity it must go! Grabbing the HOE I got all SL Jack on it. It was rough, but it was time to DEPLANE and he did not have a boarding pass. I was redeemed and I got this sweet tale to tell. Behold the evidence below. Thats right...uh huh.


M. E. Davis said...

Mess with the Steev, get the hoe...

Gnarley. My Mom had to hoe a snake to death once, and then she stirred the chunks (about 20 of them - she was SCARED) with a rake then put bricks on the snake salad...

Was it a cottonmouth or a rat snake? Hard to tell with the photo.

Steevious said...

rat i think.