Tuesday, August 30, 2005


As i watched the news this morning I found myself shaking my head at all the people from New Orleans and the surrounding areas hit by Katrina standing on their roofs as the rushing waters reached the tops of their homes. "Why did you not leave?" "What is wrong with you?" "Are you stupid?" all these comments came to my mouth in questioning disbelief. You would think that after days of warning and encouragement about the seriousness of the coming storm people would have been "smarter" and left their homes and saught shelter and safety. I was dumbfounded.


Where is your compassion Stephen? Why are you not weeping over that man's lost wife? Why are you not on your knees for those who have lost everything. How would you comfort them? Would you? Or are they just "dumb"?

Sometimes the Spirit troubles me at the wrong time, but making it the right time to hear.

Be Still. Listen. Learn.

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